Monday-Thursday 15th-18th
Community Closet 9-4:30 Sizes and items available for everyone
Location: Housing Authority (Fields Lane)
Hosted by: F.F. Housing Authority

Wednesday, July 17th

Potato Blossom Swim Meet.
Registration 8:30 Start time 9am. Spectators welcome!

Location: Fort Fairfield Municipal Swimming Pool. Participation is FREE! If you are part of a swim team, please register with your local Recreation Department Swim Team. All other individual swimmers can register the morning of the event! Sponsored by the Fort Fairfield Parks & Recreation Department.

Canoe & Kayak Day (returns)
Location: Monson Pond    12-4pm  At the boat launch
Free Hot Dog cookout for families during the event
Sponsored by: Fort Fairfield Fish & Game Club

3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
The fee is $100 per team (max of 5 people per team). There will be medals for the top 2 places. Double elimination best of 3 match format. Entry fees will be going towards our outdoor athletic court revitalization project. Register the day of.
Registration: 4-4:45pm
Rules meeting: 4:45-5pm
Tournament starts: 5pm!
Location: Fort Fairfield Recreation Department
Sponsored by: Fort Fairfield Parks & Recreation Department

Wednesday Evening Fiddlers
Time: 6pm Bandstand (Fields Lane)
Sponsored by: Maine Credit Union

Baby and Bike Parade Town Clock thru Fields Lane Theme: TBA
Pre-Registration by calling (207-472-3651) 8:30-4:30
Special Drawing for all those pre-registered
Line up 6:30 Parade starts at 7pm
Judging categories: TBA
Sponsored by: United Insurance Fort Fairfield

Jr. Miss & Little Miss Potato Queen Pageants 7pm
Location: Fort Fairfield High School Gym  Admission: $10 per person
Directors: Jr. Miss (Pam Babin) Little Miss (Chloe Wheeler)  

Call Cheryl Boulier at:

Phone Number


Please email us at [email protected]